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Backing Karate on its way is only 3 steps away
  • If you are a follower or a practitioner:
  • Register and log in our website: Welcome to our challenge!
  • 2 Take a picture showing your support.Upload it in jpeg, gif or png format.

    Write your supporting slogan.

  • 3 You will receive by email a “The K is on the way” campaign support Certificate, together with a link to confirm your support.

    Once confirmed, your picture and slogan will appear randomly in our website. You can find them at any moment in the Support section.

  • If you are a company, dojo or club:
  • 1 Register and log in our website:Welcome to our challenge!
  • 2 Upload your company logo in jpeg, gif or png format.

    Write your supporting slogan.

  • 3 You will receive by email a “The K is on the way” campaign support Certificate, together with a link to confirm your support.

    Once confirmed, your picture and slogan will appear randomly in our website. You can find them at any moment in the Support section.

Help us promoting the campaign

  • How to Promote the Campaign in your Blog or Media
  • How to Promote the Campaign in your Club
  • How to Promote the Campaign in your Website or Social Media
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